Network parameters in video security equipment

Frequent contact with network security equipment will encounter many related network parameters, some are very common, some are relatively unfamiliar, and may be difficult to use. Here, refer to the relevant network security equipment of Hikvision, Dahua, Uniview and other manufacturers, such as network cameras, NVRs, storage servers, matrixes, etc., collect and organize the network parameters of common security equipment, and make a brief summary. Some of the more important network parameters will be explained in detail in a separate article.

  • IP address. In a specific network (LAN or WAN), each device can be assigned a unique address. There are currently two versions of IP addresses, IPv4 and IPv6, and many security devices already support IPv6 addresses.
  • Subnet mask. A subnet is an identifiable independent part of an organization’s network. Generally, a subnet can refer to all machines in a building in a geographic location or on the same local area network (LAN). If an organization’s network is divided into several sub-networks, they can connect to the Internet through a shared network address.The subnet mask is part of the IP address, which tells the network router how to find the subnet to which the packet should be sent. Using the subnet mask allows the router to not have to deal with the entire 32-bit IP address, it only needs to check the bytes selected by the mask.
  • Gateway. A gateway is a point in a network that serves as an entry point to another network. For example, a computer server that acts as a gateway in a corporate network can also act as a proxy server and firewall server. Gateways are often connected between routers and switches. Among them, the router knows where to point the designated data packet to the gateway, and the switch provides the actual path to and from the gateway for the designated data packet.
  • DNS. The domain name conversion system is used to locate and convert Internet domain names into IP (Internet Protocol) addresses.A domain name is a meaningful and easy-to-remember Internet address name. For example, the domain name is easier to remember than
  • MAC address. Media access control address, MAC address is an identifier related to networked devices, more specifically an interface related to the network. For example, the network card of a computer has its own MAC address.
  • port. The outlet for communication between the equipment and the outside world.
  • TCP/UDP.TCP is the transmission control protocol. IP is responsible for the actual data packet transmission, while TCP tracks the communication (such as the requested web file) into individual data packets, and when the data packets reach their destinations, it also reassembles them to form a complete document.UDP is an alternative to TCP. The advantage of UDP is that it does not need to transmit data, and it can discard network data packets when (for example) network congestion occurs. This applies to live video, because it does not make sense to retransmit old information that will not be displayed anyway.
  • MTU.Maximum Transmission Unit (Maximum Transmission Unit, MTU) is used to inform the other party of the maximum size of the data service unit that can be accepted, indicating the size of the payload that the sender can accept.
  • DHCP. DHCP is a protocol that automatically assigns IP addresses to network devices in the network and centrally manages them.
  • IP adaptive. The special function in the network camera, some manufacturers call it Netcom, the function is more powerful than DHCP. After the camera and the corresponding NVR are connected to the same network, the camera IP address will be adapted to the NVR’s IP address, including the network segment.
  • DDNS. Dynamic domain name resolution can bind devices in the local area network to a fixed domain name to facilitate access by users on the external network. See: Application of DDNS(dynamic domain name service ) in security.
  • P2P. Connect LAN devices to the Internet through network penetration to facilitate access by users on the Internet. See: Application of P2P remote access technology in security video surveillance.
  • PPPoE. The point-to-point protocol on the Ethernet supports the direct access of network equipment to the Ethernet.
  • FTP. File transfer protocol, an application protocol that uses the TCP/IP protocol, is used to exchange files between computers/devices on the network. You can transfer front-end camera pictures, videos, etc. to the FTP server.
  • E-mail. Send equipment alarm information, pictures, videos, etc. to the E-mail mailbox.
  • Active registration. The front-end device actively connects with the back-end management storage device. It can be many to one.
  • Wi-Fi. Network equipment supports wireless transmission, free from the shackles of network cables. Currently, the security settings are generally based on 2.4G WiFi.
  • 4G. 4G wireless communication technology can be used for network security to facilitate its wireless access to the Internet and realize remote monitoring. The development of LTE cat.1 is relatively hot at present. See: 5G.
  • NTP. The network time server synchronizes the time of the device through the network. See: Security equipment time synchronization problem.
  • IP permissions. It is mainly divided into whitelist and blacklist, which are used to restrict or allow which terminals can access the target device.
  • ARSP. Comes with domain name service function, similar to DDNS.
  • 802.1x. The 802.1x protocol is an access control and authentication protocol based on Client/Server. It can restrict unauthorized users/devices from accessing LAN/WLAN through the access port.
  • IGMP. IGMP generally refers to the Internet Group Management Protocol. The Internet Group Management Protocol is called IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol), which is a multicast protocol in the Internet protocol family. Can be used to manage camera multicast.
  • RTSP. RTSP is a control protocol and a starting point for protocol transmission tools and protocol codecs such as RTP, multicast, and unicast. RTSP can be used as a “remote control” to control the media stream provided by the media server. RTSP servers usually use RTP as the protocol for the actual transmission of audio/video data. See: RTSP in security video surveillance.
  • RTP/RTCP. RTP is an Internet protocol for real-time data transmission (such as audio and video). It can be used for interactive services such as media on-demand and Internet telephony. RTCP provides support for real-time communication among large-scale groups in the corporate intranet. This support includes source identification and support for gateways such as audio and video bridges and multicast unicast converters.
  • SNMP. Simple network management protocol, according to the definition of the Internet Engineering Task Force, SNMP constitutes a part of the Internet Protocol Group. This protocol can support the monitoring of additional network equipment under the condition of ensuring management attention.
  • SSL/TLS. These two protocols (TLS after SSL) are encryption protocols that provide secure communication on the network. SSL is usually used to convert HTTP to HTTPS, for example, for electronic financial transactions on the Internet. SSL uses public key certificates to verify the identity of the server.
  • UPnP. A set of computer network protocols that allow automatic point-to-point detection of network devices.
  • ICMP. ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) Internet control message protocol. It is a sub-protocol of the TCP/IP protocol suite, used to transfer control messages between IP hosts and routers.
  • QoS. QoS provides different ways to ensure a certain level of the designated source of selected traffic on the network. Quality can be defined as (for example) the bandwidth level remains the same, low latency, no packet loss, etc.
  • Bonjour. Also called zero-configuration network networking, developed by Apple Computer. Bonjour can automatically discover computers, devices and services on IP networks. Bonjour allows devices to automatically discover each other without the need to enter IP addresses or configure DNS servers.
  • SFTP. The secure file transfer protocol can be compared with FTP.
  • ARP. The address resolution protocol is used to associate an IP address with a hardware MAC address. Broadcast the request on the local network to search for the MAC address of the IP address.
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